Visualizations as storytelling

"Geek Love" op-art in The New York Times

Writing and design of a piece about the influence of Gary Gygax, creator of Dungeons & Dragons, on the occasion of his death

Sesame Workshop Ahlan Simsim

A map of the children&rsquo's educational network’s ongoing Middle East program, created as part of an annual report for the MacArthur Foundation

Infinite Jest charactor diagram

A poster diagramming the connections of all the characters in Infinite Jest (personal project)

Diagrams that explain things

RISD publishing cycle

Documentation of the school’s server rebuild processes, created to clarify the site’s editing procedure

Sephora customer journey

Internal program documentation for (then) new subscription beauty box offering, created to surface strategic opportunities for the product team

Sephora subscription production cycle

Schematic diagram showing the confluence of supply chain and marketing campaigns, created to provide alignment between multiple product teams

Thinking through systems

New York Times crossword app

The initial user experience flows for the Times’s first native iOS crossword app, created as the the foundation for prototyping and design

Planning diagrams for adding pages and improving user experience on the college’s site, created to convey hard-to-see changes to campus stakeholders

TOMS Shoes

A simple user flow map for an internal philanthropy competition, created to describe an entirely new program in order to generate buy-in from leadership